Cleansing……..things just got a little spiritual

So recently I have been searching for some kind of spirituality, and some explanations.

My whole life I have felt the emotions of those around me. I have always felt more sensitive to emotion and emotional pain. So around a week ago I looked it up. And it turns out I’m this thing called and Empath. Empath is a term used both in the world of psychology and alternative healing – chakras and all that.

And so the last few days I have been on a bit of a journey. I have had to think about what I believe in and how for I take this empath thing. And I decided that I’m not quite an atheist.

I think that I believe in spirituality. I think that we are more connected than we realize.

Mentally I have this new box. It’s my box of beliefs. And more and more each day is being added to it. I’m starting to understand the concept of energy and connectivity. My whole life I felt these vibes and I could never explain it and now I can.

I think I starting to find ways to be happier and cleanse myself of my past and my problems.

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Laugh til you cry, love til you die.

Writer X

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