The Quartet of Radiance Award……….what is going on here

So after all the excitement of yestarday I got nominated for another award, which is a four-in-one award. I feel so unworthy and am extremely humble by the nomination by these two lovely ladies –  deepbluesandseafoamgreens who is my blog bestie and cupidorcats who writes so well and has some funny photos on her posts.

1. The Influential Blogger Award

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2. The Awesome Blog Content Award

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3. The Inner Peace Award

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4. The Sunshine Award

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The Rules

  1. Thank the person/s who nominated you.
  2. Nominate other people.
  3. Describe yourself with the alphabet.
  4. Notify your nominees.
  5. Have a fabulous day!

A-Z of Me

A for Analysis. I am definitely one for over analyzing and thinking deeply. In a way I love this, because it aids me in lots of situations. But I need to learn to stop over analyzing what  people do and say. We as a species are too random to analyse.

B for Blogger. Blogging is a huge part of my life and I love it!

C for Cat. I have a gorgeous little black cat, who makes me smile everyday with his love for exploring, mischief and life in general.

D for Depression. I have suffered with it for a while and it sucks. But I’m slowly recovering and learning and loving.

E for Empath. I am an empath, and I like it.

F for Feminism. I am a feminist. And I am proud to be a woman.

G for Girl. I am a girl/woman/person with XX chromosomes.

H for Hair. Everyone always complements me on my blonde hair, which I see as more of a curse than a gift. I am not stupid, please don’t think my hair color effects my intelligence.

I for Incognito. I stay anonymous on this blog for many reasons and I hope you all respect that and enjoy the mystery of who I am. Haha.

J for Juice. Apple to be precise. I have a bit of a problem. I’m a an apple-juiceholic.

K for Knowledge. I know to many random facts and I have a large base of general knowledge.

L for Love. I am so in love with the idea of love, I can hardly wait to fall in love again.

M for Maths. I like it and I’m a bit of nerd at heart.

N for Nosy. I love to know what is going on everywhere and I love keeping secrets. Even though I’m not great at it.

O for Open. I am extremely chatty and I’m open. You could ask me nearly anything and I would answer truthfully. I don’t see the point of lying.

P for Pescetarian. I eat fish but not meat or sea food. I don’t know why, it’s just the way  was brought up.

Q for Quirky. I’m a bit weird, but this a more polite way of saying it.

R for Run. I love to go for a short run. I love the feeling of freedom and opportunity when I run.

S for Spotify. Music is my life. I couldn’t survive without it.

T for Thoughts from the spare room. This little blog has become a large part of my life and I am so thankful for it.

U for Umbrella. I am extremely prepared and always have things like umbrellas, wipes and tissues on me.

V for Volkswagen. I love our cute little family car.

W for Witch. I wish I was magical.

X for Writer X. If you know me personally you will know what goes here.

Y for Yellow. I have a love hate relationship with this color. It’s nice but it doesn’t suit me.

Z for Zebra. Done!

My Lovely Nominees





Playlist       @Writer_X9

Laugh til you cry, love til you die.

Writer X.


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